My career for many years was in finance. I have often been asked why I would trade that career to start a cleaning business?
There were a few reasons.
There is a satisfaction and sense of accomplishment in returning a home in need of care to a cleaner, healthier environment.
A dirty, messy house can feel like a monster always poking at you for attention. Getting a home to a spotless level and maintaining it can be tedious and time consuming.
Time is precious, and people already have so much to do, so here comes the stress. We can help relieve that stress and give back TIME. That is pretty awesome if you really think about it.
It puts a whole new perspective on how valuable and beneficial cleaning is. When I see the relief, happiness, and satisfaction experienced by our clients when they see the results of our work it is priceless to me!
How many can say they get that feeling from their work every day! This is why we are dedicated to offering our clients the best cleaning experience in Calgary.